On May 15, Park Seo Joon held an online fan meeting “Park Seo Joon, Comma” through KakaoTV to celebrate his 10th debut anniversary.

The actor said, “When I looked baông chồng on the time between now và when I first started acting, somehow it had already been 10 years.

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There were happy times, fun times, & difficult times. I think that I was able lớn come this far without any major struggles because of the love sầu & support sent from my fans. I want khổng lồ nội dung my sincere gratitude with them.”

Reflecting on his filmography, Park Seo Joon said, “‘Dream High 2‘ could be said lớn be my official debut. I rethành viên that I was so embarrassed that I watched the first episode curled up alone in my room. I think that at that time in my life, I was always nervous.” The actor also talked about his work as a “Music Bank” MC, as well as his film “The Beauty Inside” and hit dramas lượt thích “She Was Pretty,” “Hwarang,” và “Fight for My Way.”

He said, “I had the honor of winning the newcomer award at the Grand Bell Awards . That’s why it’s precious lớn me aý muốn my many projects. After that, I chose the thắm thiết comedy ‘What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim.’ I chose it with the mindphối of wanting to bởi the ikhuyễn mãi giảm giá rom-com.”

He went on, “I think that it would be difficult for me khổng lồ return lớn those times. I’ve sầu always given it my all, khổng lồ the point where I’ve sầu thought that if I went bachồng, I’m not sure if I could show that same kind of acting.” Asked to piông chồng his “life-changing character,” he said, “All the characters & projects are dear lớn me, so I can’t piông chồng just one.” His fans, however, chose Go Dong Man from “Fight for My Way” through votes in advance of the người meeting.

About “Itaewon Class,” Park Seo Joon said, “Park Sae Roy’s hair and clothes became a hot topic. Even before it started, I wondered, ‘Would people copy this chestnut hair style?’ Hairstyle is very important for men. I chose the style because I thought I could pull it off. It felt strange because so many people loved it. External styling is important for acting projects, so please look forward khổng lồ my transformations in upcoming projects as well.”

He continued, “All my projects are dear lớn me, but I remember I had a lot of thoughts after the over of ‘Itaewon Class.’ I changed a lot after meeting the character called ‘Park Sae Roy.’ It’s been a year but I still rethành viên it vividly.

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He was a very impactful character. A lot of people could understvà his life, và he received a lot of love not only from Korean fans but all over the world.”

About his “rom-com master” label, he said, “It’s embarrassing for me to lớn say myself, but a lot of people label me ‘rom-com master’ or ‘rom-com bulldozer.’ I think that it’s because people enjoyed my projects more than because I was really good at it. Of course, I did work hard. I’m not sure what the secret is to the ‘romantic gaze.’ I think that it’s always important khổng lồ have a good working relationship with one’s co-stars. If you work well together, then you can focus on the situation at hvà and look into each other’s eyes lớn express emotions. I work hard on those aspects. I think that’s why people say that I have a ‘lãng mạn gaze’ or ‘thắm thiết eyes."”

Several celebrity friends sent in their congratulatory messages for Park Seo Joon on his 10th debut anniversary. This included BTS’s V, who said, “I heard that he had prepared a lot . Don’t get nervous & instead make precious memories with a fluttering heart. Work hard, hwaiting!” Other members of the Wooga family also sent in messages: Park Hyung Sik said, “I hope you will have a good time together,” Choi Woo Shik said, “I spent my 20s with hyung and now that we’re both in our 30s, it feels lượt thích we’re maturing together. It’s a great source of strength for me to lớn have hyung by my side.”

Kyên Ji Won, Park Seo Joon’s co-star in “Fight for My Way,” said, “I’m glad that I could at least sover my congratulations through a đoạn phim for this meaningful occasion. Just lượt thích the title of this bạn meeting, ‘Comma,’ I hope that this becomes a place of rest for Park Seo Joon và his fans.” Jung Yu Mi, who worked with Park Seo Joon on “Youn’s Kitchen,” said, “Congratulations on the past 10 years. I’ll be cheering you on for the next 10 years as well. I hope we can meet through a good project someday.”